Welcome to Club Hub Communities

Club Hub Communities is empowering community leaders to connect with student groups across school and leave a greater impact on their community of student members.

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Why Communities use Club Hub

It is the one place to connect with all your members.

Easy to set up and use

Creating your club takes 1 minute. Then any clubs can join or you can send email invites so club presidents join your community. You can instantly access all the data for your community including club presidents and members.

Quick Event Set Up

Events have never been easier for communities to create and promote across their community. When you create an event, all the club admins are notified. Once a club admin registers, all the members of the club can sign up for the event. People can RSVP and send attach a message for the community leaders. Members receive google calendar invites and text reminders 1 hour before the event.

Send Messages, the fast way

Messages: communities can instantly send emails/texts to their club admins and or members!


How do the clubs benefit from Club Hub?

Download our App

Club Members will access their clubs and your community through our app.

Our awesome features
Get Notified

Club Hub will send club members a text message (and email) an hour before your event so students don’t miss another meeting and club presidents don’t have to worry about posting.

Our awesome features
Attendance & Feedback

There is an auto generated QR code for club meetings for members to mark themselves present and share feedback.

Our awesome features
Share Information

Upload resources such as files, forms, and google docs for the members of the clubs in your community to view.

Our awesome features
Client Portal | Internal Tools | Web App Builder | Free Website Builder Made with Softr